

A few years ago I wrote about Rachel Hollis’s 90 Day Challenge and it has stuck with me since then. She continues to run programs and challenges throughout the year and I have always found it to be inspiring. Not only that it was something that she continues to do, but the masses that join her! To be able to inspire that many people is a gift she has, and it has definitely got to me.

At first 90 days felt like an eternity, but it really isn’t that long at all when you think about it. Only 3 months! And the thing about this timeframe is that it is long enough to make an impact, and create habits that you can maintain for the future. That’s always been my thing, whether it’s with fitness and health or any goal that you may have, consistency is key. Sure you can have a spurt of this and that here and there, but unless you show up consistently then where does that leave you? Exactly where you started.

So I thought that I would share some of my own habits and goals that I have for myself going into the last 90 days of 2020… yup, that’s right! There are only 90 days left in this year. It’s a mixed feeling of ‘where did the year go’ and ‘holy crap it’s been going on forever’. But I think that we could all use a little push to finish out the year. I know I do.

This year started with applying for my dream job, then had to withdraw from the running, hubby retired, found out we had to move, took cover from a tornado, entered a global pandemic, then decided to start a business… yes, that feeling of confusion is about right. At least it’s on par for how I feel most of my days. Now I’m not complaining, I know that I’m so insanely lucky considering everything going on in the world right now, but it is still at times a lot to process. So for the last 90 days of the year, to help keep myself from paralysis and keep myself moving forward I have set 3 goals for myself. I’m adding a few details within those goals that I have because, well, I don’t want to bore you 😀 but I can’t impress upon you how important those little details are!

In every single post that I have written about setting goals I talk about your action items: literally what you’re going to do to get yourself closer to accomplishing that goal. It might not be the sexiest when it comes to goal-making, but usually it is the least sexy stuff that makes you the most successful.


Like I said before, I decided to start a business, and while I know it is not going to be successful right away, especially in this economy, I also know that there are things that I can do to set myself up for as much success as possible in the new year.

  • setting up the templates and practices that I’ll be using on a weekly basis: whether it’s a form, an email, or branding, to set up those templates will be huge for overall processes as well as a time saver in the future.

    • I am going to try and work on 3-4 a week.

  • Continued education: while I’m currently taking online courses I know that there are so many other avenues for education, so whether it’s a book, a Masterclass, or coffee with someone who works in the field, I want to take in as much information as possible.

    • I am going to work on at least 2 different avenues a week: for example, read one new book and take one new class.

  • Work through the fear: I know I’m going to be super nervous and scared to do certain things for the first time. To be scared that I’m going to mess up or that I don’t know what I’m doing is totally natural, but I’m going to try my hardest to work through the feat and keep going. Otherwise I’ll miss out on so many opportunities.


Quarantine has not seen my best self when it comes to health and fitness. I’m not looking to drop weight, but I do want to be able to stay active and eat healthy in a way that makes me feel my best.

  • work out on days that I have the energy and the time to. Avoiding those excuses or lack of motivation when I know that getting up and sweating will end up making me feel so much better in the end.

  • Drink. More. Water! There have been days in quarantine when I realized by the afternoon that I hadn’t had a sip of water, which is so unlike me! It’s almost like being at home gets me distracted and I forget to hydrate.

    • I’m doing this by only using my largest tumblers and water bottles. That way I know if I just refill once then I’m on the right track.

  • Cook more: I got into a good groove in the beginning of quarantine, but have since gotten out of it. My goal is to cook at least 4 meals a week.

    • I have been using Hungryroot and it is an amazing program!


I know it’s going to be tough to truly experience Nashville since I’m sure things are shut down and the whole experience is altered, but I know that to truly give the city a shot we’re going to have to put some work into it. So we are going to try and find one new place to go to a week: whether it’s a restaurant outside, a new hike, or whatever! On top of that I am going to try and make our apartment as comfortable as possible and set ourselves set up to be as comfortable as possible going into 2021.

I suggest that you take some time this weekend to do this same! Even if you have one blank page, use it to write down what you want your next 90 days to look like, how you want to end the year, and how you want to feel in 2021. I think we all have high hopes for 2021 seeing as it gets to follow the s*^t basket that is 2020, but that doesn’t mean we should just sit back and wait for it. I know the quote “I’m just going to put up the tree and call it a year” is funny and all, but you have 3 MONTHS to do something! 3 MONTHS can change everything!

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